Regular Savings
- Earn 0.15% APY*
- No Minimum Deposit to Open Account
- Interest Compounded Daily
- Unlimited Deposits
- $1.50 Dormant Account Fee (charged monthly for accounts with balances of $25.00 or less with one year of inactivity)
- FDIC insured
Fees that may apply:
- Overdraft Fee(s) $28.00 per item
- Returned Item Fee $28.00 per returned item
- Stop Payment $25.00 per stop payment order
- Research Fees $25.00 per hour (1/2 hour minimum charge)
- Accounts opened after 3-1-2019 opting for paper statements will be charged a $3.00 fee for each statement cycle. Note: There is no fee for eStatements.
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield
At our discretion we may change the interest rate on the account.
No minimum balance required to obtain APY.
Fees could reduce earnings on account
The annual percentage yield is accurate as of 7-15-2020
Money Market Account
- $10.00 monthly service charge (to avoid the service charge, maintain an average daily balance of $1,000 or more)
- $1,000 minimum deposit to open account
- FDIC insured
- Dormant fee $1.50 monthly on balances of $100.00 or less
Tier Rate APY*
Up to $49,999.99 0.35% 0.35%
$50,000.00 - $99,999.99 0.55% 0.35% - 0.45%
$100,000.00 - $199,999.99 0.75% 0.45% - 0.60%
$200,000.00 and up 1.00% 0.60% - 1.00%
This account also includes:
- Free Online Banking
- Tel-Account 24 Telephone Banking
- Debit Card
- eStatements*
- Automatic Overdraft Privilege (if approved)
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield
* Accounts opened after 3-1-2019 opting for paper statements will be charged a $3.00 fee for each statement cycle. Note: There is no fee for eStatements.
At our discretion we may change the interest rate on the account weekly.
No minimum balance required to obtain APY.
Fees could reduce earnings on account
The annual percentage yield is accurate as of 7-15-2020
Kids Club 
Hey Kids!
Want to have FUN saving money? Come join the O’Bannon Kids Club and see what the excitement is all about! It’s FREE and it’s just for KIDS. Become a member today!
Hey Parents!
O’Bannon Kids Club is committed to teaching your child the importance of saving. Bring your child to one of our convenient locations to become a member.
- Earn 0.15% APY*
- No minimum Deposit to Open Account
- Interest Compounded Daily
- Unlimited Deposits
- FDIC insured
This account becomes Regular Savings in the year following the child’s 12th birthday.
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield
* Accounts opened after 3-1-2019 opting for paper statements will be charged a $3.00 fee for each statement cycle. Note: There is no fee for eStatements.
At our discretion we may change the interest rate on the account.
No minimum balance required to obtain APY.
The annual percentage yield is accurate as of 7-15-2020
Christmas Club
Start saving for those special individuals on your Christmas list. We offer Christmas club accounts to fit any budget.
- $2.00 Minimum Deposit to open account
- Available the third Monday in November each year
- Direct deposit or check issued the following November for the balance in the account
- 50th payment made by Bank if 49 payments are made by the end of the club period.
- No withdrawals until maturity
- FDIC insured